Symposium at NABT Convention
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)
1444 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 628-1500
For Immediate Release
1 September 2004
For more information, contact:
Oksana Hlodan, Editor, ActionBioscience.org
AIBS and its partners offer a two-day symposium for
attendees of the National Association of Biology Teachers
convention in Chicago
Washington, DC. The American Institute of Biological
Sciences has teamed up with the Biological Sciences
Curriculum Study (BSCS) and the National Association of
Biology Teachers (NABT) to convene a two-day symposium,
“Evolutionary Science and Society: Educating a New
Generation,” to be held at the 2004 NABT Annual Convention,
12–13 November 2004, in Chicago, IL. The two-day program
will feature 17 speakers and five education panel sessions.
The symposium will be the vehicle for summarizing up-to-date
research, articulating the importance of evolutionary
biology to society, and for education and outreach using
both print and web media. The program features
internationally renowned evolutionary biologists and
biological-science educators, including members of the
National Academy of Sciences.
View the symposium program at
NABT convention attendees can register online for the
symposium at
For information about ActionBioscience.org, an education
resource of the American Institute of Biological Sciences,
contact the editor, Oksana Hlodan, at
editor@actionbioscience.org or
ohlodan@aibs.org. For
information about the evolution symposium and other AIBS
education initiatives, contact Susan Musante, Education and
Outreach Program Manager, at