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ActionBioscience.org Featured in USA Today’s Web Guide

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For Immediate Release
6 February 2004

For more information, contact:
Oksana Hlodan, Editor, ActionBioscience.org

USA Today names ActionBioscience.org a “hot site” and features one of the site’s articles

Washington, DC. USA Today, the largest-selling daily newspaper in the U.S., chose ActionBioscience.org as a hot site of the day. The listing appeared in the paper’s “Web Guide” section of the February 5, 2004, issue.

ActionBioscience.org was chosen because the reviewer particularly enjoyed one of the site’s original, peer-reviewed articles, “Primer on Ethics and Human Cloning,” by Glenn McGee. The reviewer wrote:

That doctor in Kentucky, the one who claimed he’d cloned and implanted a human embryo? Turns out it, ah, didn’t happen – but the guy says he’ll do it again and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks about it. Guess he won’t be visiting this thoughtful site, which lays out the basic moral dilemmas posed by (hypothetical) human cloning and provides a variety of links to help responsible folk figure out their ethical stance on this difficult issue.


Glenn McGee, Ph.D., is associate director for education and assistant professor of medical ethics, philosophy, and history and sociology of science, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine's Center for Bioethics. His books include The Human Cloning Debate (Berkeley Hills Books, 3rd ed., 2002) and Beyond Genetics: Putting the Power of DNA to Work in Your Life (William Morrow, 2003). To read McGee’s article, go to https://scienceinstyle.com/biotech/mcgee.html.

USA Today is owned by Gannett Co., Inc., a large, diversified, international news and information company headquartered in McLean, Virginia. The daily has a circulation of approximately 2.2 million and is available in 60 countries.

For information about ActionBioscience.org, an education resource of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, contact the editor, Oksana Hlodan, at editor@actionbioscience.org or ohlodan@aibs.org.



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