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 issues in biodiversity    "educator resources" section with PDF lesson
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Diversity of species
new The Foja Mountains of Indonesia: Exploring the Lost World by Bruce M. Beehler  
Planetary Biodiversity Inventories: A Response to the Taxonomic Crisis by Lawrence M. Page
Agroforestry and the Maintenance of Biodiversity by Peter Bichier
Plant Genebanks: Food Security by Geoffrey C. Hawtin and Jeremy Cherfas
Speciation and Biodiversity interview with Edward O. Wilson
The Weight of a Petal: The Value of Botanical Gardens
by H. Bruce Rinker
Species, Speciation and the Environment by Niles Eldredge
Ring Species: Unusual Demonstrations of Speciation by Darren E. Irwin
Biopiracy: The Legal Perspective by Michael A. Gollin
Searching for Nature's Medicines interview with Mark Plotkin
Endangered species
new Why Do We Need an Amphibian Ark? by Kevin Zippel
The Sixth Extinction by Niles Eldredge
How Will the Sixth Extinction Affect the Evolution of Species? by N. Myers and A. Knoll

New Threats Endanger Great Whales from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Relative Scarcity: Apes on the Edge from Population Action International (PAI)
Invasive species
Environmental Impacts of Marine Exotics interview with James T. Carlton
Introduced Species: The Threat to Biodiversity by Daniel Simberloff
Bacteria: More Than Pathogens by Trudy M. Wassenaar
Microbes: What They Do & How Antibiotics Change Them by Maura Meade-Callahan
Were Bacteria the First Forms of Life on Earth? by Daniel Jeffares and Anthony Poole
Microbes in Court: The Emerging Field of Microbial Forensics by Abigail A. Salyers
Malaria, Algae, Amoeba and You: Unravelling Eukaryotic Relationships by Joel B. Dacks
Looking for Life on Mars and Beyond by Abigail Salyers

Life from Space: An Emerging Paradigm by N. Chandra Wickramasinghe
Management and Conservation
new Rewilding Megafauna: Lions and Camels in North America? Interview with Connie Barlow
Natural History Museum Collections in the 21st Century By Keith S. Thomson
Biocomplexity: The New Bioscience Frontier interview with Rita Rossi Colwell
Loss of Wetlands: How Are Bird Communities Affected? by Robert Fletcher

The Ecological Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnology by Miguel A. Altieri
Bringing Coastal Dead Zones Back to Life
by Robert Howarth

DNA Patents Create Monopolies on Living Organisms from Council for Responsible Genetics
Biotechnology in Crops: Issues for the Developing World from Oxfam GB
Ecosystem Services: A Primer
from the Ecological Society of America (ESA)
Students speak out
Protecting Bats from Extinction by Nick Tchankoshvili
Wilderness Diagnosis: What Is the White Bengal Tiger's Future?
by Swati Mishra
UV Radiation and Amphibian Declines
by Adrienne Howse
Reintroducing the Gray Wolf in the U.S.
by Ryan C. Johnson

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