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issues in new frontiers    "educator resources" section with PDF lesson
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What is the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)? by Anthony M. Poole
The Endless Universe: Introduction to the Cyclic Universe
 by Paul J. Steinhardt
Were Bacteria the First Forms of Life on Earth?
by Daniel Jeffares and Anthony Poole
Evolution and the future
new Rewilding Megafauna: Lions and Camels in North America? interview with Connie Barlow
The Sixth Extinction by Niles Eldredge
How Will the Sixth Extinction Affect Evolution of Species?
by Norman Myers &  Andrew Knoll
Evolutionary Biology: Technology for the 21st Century by Jim J. Bull
Bioscience literacy for all
Why Should You Be Scientifically Literate? by Robert M. Hazen
African Agriculture and Medicine: Modern Orphans by Thomas R. Odhiambo
Improving Science Literacy & Conservation in Developing Countries
by Carlos L. de la Rosa 

Error and the Nature of Science by Douglas Allchin
Global threats
new Why Do We Need an Amphibian Ark? by Kevin Zippel  
Biomedical and Biodefense Uses for Ricin
interview with Ellen Vitetta
Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: A Global Problem interview with Stephen S. Morse
Agricultural Bioterrorism by Radford G. Davis
Bioterrorism: Are We Prepared?
interview with Joseph M. Henderson

Plant Genebanks: Food Security by Geoffrey C. Hawtin and Jeremy Cherfas
International Water Facility by Mohamed Kassas
Microbes: What They Do & How Antibiotics Change Them by Maura Meade-Callahan
Science & technology in the 21st century
Genomic Puzzles Old and New By T. Ryan Gregory
Primer on Ethics and Crossing Species Boundaries by Fran�oise Baylis and Jason Scott Robert
Biocomplexity: The New Bioscience Frontier interview with Rita Rossi Colwell
Microbes in Court: The Emerging Field of Microbial Forensics by Abigail A. Salyers
Nanotechnology: It's a Small, Small, Small, Small World
by Ralph C. Merkle

Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering and Transgenics by Linda MacDonald Glenn
Primer on Ethics and Human Cloning by Glenn McGee

Genetic Engineering & Xenotransplantation by Shane T. Grey
Space Biology
Looking for Life on Mars and Beyond by Abigail Salyers
Life from Space: An Emerging Paradigm by N. Chandra Wickramasinghe
Students speak out
Antibiotic Resistance: New Approaches to a Historical Problem by Sean S. Kardar
Strategies for Building Community Trust in Nanotechnology by Andrea F. Biondo

The Ethics of Biowarfare by Daniel Reyes
Biodiesel: The Clear Choice by Brittany Ekre
The Ethics of Nanotechnology
by Andrew Chen
Cooking Up a Molecular Ruler
by Jayanta Fowler Mohanty

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